New month.
New unit.
New obsession.
Hey there, parents!
We know how hard you’re working. You’re probably a little sleep deprived most of the time. You’re constantly multi-tasking, which makes top notch executive functioning a pipe dream. If you can get your child to eat a few nutritious meals and play quietly for a little while, it’s a good day!
And we’ve not even started on the homeschooling — thinking up lessons, locating materials, get everything printed and organized, planning out the days….
We get it.
We’ve been there.
That’s why we created Constellation, an “Open and Go” collection of family-centered (ages 2-9) theme packs full of Montessori lessons, activities, experiments, book recommendations, visual recipes, and more.
Let’s take a deeper look at what’s inside a single theme pack.
Book Recommendations
Reading to your child is one of the most beneficial activities you can do to support their development.
It not only strengthens your bond but also enhances their vocabulary, comprehension, and listening skills.
This shared activity can ignite their imagination and curiosity, inspiring them to want to go deeper into a topic and giving them the vocabulary they need to converse about it and ask questions.
We believe that literature is such a powerful way to inspire a learning journey into a new topic that we provide a curated list of high-quality, diverse literature with every single theme pack.
Many of our families borrow the books from their local library, but you can use our thematic recommendation lists to build your home library as well! If your child isn’t totally into a new theme right away, they probably need some.
Scripted, Illustrated Lessons
Have you ever wanted to know how a Montessori guide would present a lesson in real life? Get ready to find out!
Every lesson in our theme packs is scripted with conversational language and information about the topic.
This support makes it much more likely that your lesson will go well in real life.
It helps to prepare you to take on the role of teacher, and you don’t need to wonder if you’re doing it the right way. We also provide visual illustrations so that you know those little important Montessori details about how to present the materials, like where to place your cards on your rug.
Everyone Can Play
Unlike many curriculums, our themes are for a wide age range: 2-9 years old! Why did we choose such a broad focus?
Simple: we wanted our thematic lessons to grow with your child, and also if you happen to have a little one or an older sibling around, we wanted everyone to be included!
Every lesson includes a special section called Everyone Can Play that provides directions for modifying the lesson to be more or less complex. Whether you have Toddlers, Primary-aged children, or Elementary-aged children — or any combination — you’ll be able to bring the lesson to life!
Fun Cards, Playful Materials
Since we have a DIY, budget-friendly focus, we provide printable Montessori materials for you in every theme pack. You can see just a few examples here.

Children thrive with hands-on materials because it allows them to engage all their senses, making abstract concepts more concrete. At Child of the Redwoods, our printable materials are designed to be both cost-effective and playful.
Every theme pack provides you with affordable, high-quality resources that are easy to print and use at home, turning everyday lessons into engaging experiences that your child will love. Our materials make it simple to bring the Montessori method to life, fostering a joyful and effective learning environment without breaking the bank.
Print. Cut. And Start Teaching!
Join the Theme of the Month Plan to get a new theme every single month! Want more flexibility and a strong foundation? In our Complete Curriculum and Unlimited plans, you get access to all of the theme packs we have published since 2021. You read that right! It’s an incredible treasure trove of lessons and printable materials ready for you to explore. Here are just a few of themes ready and waiting for you! Join for instant access.