Unlocking the Joy

of Montessori at Home

A Guide to Your Primary and Lower Elementary Coaching Programs

Join me on a quick tour!

Homeschooling your child using the Montessori method is not just a journey…

it’s an adventure filled with wonder, discovery, and the joy of learning together.

At Child of the Redwoods, we understand that bringing Montessori into your home is a big step, and we’re here to walk alongside you every step of the way.

Our Primary and Lower Elementary coaching programs, available to all Unlimited plan members, are designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills, and support you need to create an effective educational environment for your child. And we do it all while making learning playful, fun, and filled with love!

Here, you’ll discover how our coaching programs work, the unique benefits they offer, and how they can transform your homeschooling experience into something truly magical.

Understanding the Method

Before diving into the specifics of our coaching programs, it’s essential to appreciate what makes the Montessori method so special.

Developed by Dr. Maria Montessori, this educational approach is all about child-led learning, where your child’s natural curiosity drives their exploration of the world.

Montessori education is designed to be hands-on, interactive, and deeply connected to real-life experiences.

In a Montessori environment, your child is encouraged to follow their interests at their own pace, with you as their gentle guide. This method respects each child’s unique developmental timeline, offering them the freedom to explore while giving the perfect lessons they need at exactly the right time.

It’s an approach that fosters independence, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning — all within a playful and supportive atmosphere. It’s a huge gift to your child!

The Need for Support

While the Montessori method offers a beautiful and effective way to educate your child, bringing it into your home can feel overwhelming.

You might find yourself facing a range of challenges, from navigating the vast array of Montessori materials to structuring your homeschool in a way that feels both organized and flexible.

One of the most common hurdles is the sheer number of choices available. With so many Montessori resources and methods to choose from, it can be tough to figure out which ones are right for your child.

The decision-making process can feel daunting, and you might struggle to create a cohesive and effective learning plan that truly meets your child’s needs.

Another challenge is finding the right balance in your homeschool. Without a clear framework, homeschooling can sometimes feel chaotic. You may worry about covering all the necessary subjects while still allowing your child the freedom to explore their interests.

This lack of structure can lead to frustration, making it harder to maintain a joyful and productive learning environment in your home.

And then there’s the fear of missing something important. It’s natural to worry about whether you’re covering all the essential topics and skills your child needs to thrive.

The pressure to "get it right" can add stress, potentially overshadowing the joy and creativity that should be at the heart of your homeschool experience.

This is where our coaching programs come in. We’re here to help!

How Our Coaching Programs Work

At Child of the Redwoods, we offer two distinct coaching programs for our Unlimited plan members: one for the Primary stage (Pre-K/Kindergarten, ages 2-6) and another for the Lower Elementary stage (1st-3rd grades, ages 6-9).

Each program is designed to meet your child’s specific developmental needs, offering you the tools and insights to guide their learning with confidence, time-tested techniques, and a big dose of playfulness.

Primary: The 8-Week Intensive

The Primary program includes seven Live, 1-hour coaching sessions (recorded!) with the ever-positive and encouraging Aubrey Hargis, a full-time homeschooler and lifelong Montessorian.

Each session focuses on a specific topic, giving you the opportunity to practice essential Montessori concepts. Topics range from understanding sensitive periods to mastering the art of presenting Montessori materials in a way that sparks joy and curiosity in your child.

These sessions are interactive, with plenty of opportunities to ask questions, share experiences, and connect with other homeschooling parents.

Throughout the 8-week program, you’ll work through a Learning Journal designed to help you reflect on and apply what you’ve learned. The pacing guide offers structure while allowing you the flexibility to follow your child’s interests and needs.

And because we know how important community is, you’ll have the chance to participate in discussions with other parents, share your successes and challenges, and receive thoughtful, compassionate advice from those who understand your journey.

Our Foundations of Montessori Primary coaching program is an 8-week intensive designed to immerse you in the Montessori method and provide practical strategies for bringing it to life in your home.

This program is perfect if you’re new to Montessori or want to deepen your understanding while keeping learning fun and lighthearted.

Why It Works

The Primary coaching program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of Montessori principles and how to apply them in your home. By the end of the 8 weeks, you’ll have gained valuable insights into your child’s development, practical strategies for guiding their learning, and the confidence to create a relaxed and nurturing Montessori environment that makes learning fun for both you and your child.

Lower Elementary Coaching Program: The 9-Month Journey

The Foundations of Montessori Lower Elementary coaching program is a more extended, 9-month journey designed to support you as you navigate the beauty of an authentic Montessori education for your 6-9-year-old child.

This program is ideal if you’re homeschooling an older child and want to provide a well-rounded education that goes beyond traditional methods.

The Lower Elementary program includes monthly 1-hour Live coaching sessions (recorded!) with AMS certified guide and experienced homeschooler Aubrey Hargis. These sessions provide in-depth explorations of the core subject areas Physical Science, Life Science, Humankind, The Arts, Reading & Writing, Grammar, Mathematics, and Geometry.

We begin with a session in September dedicated to understanding the needs of your elementary child and how to design a rhythm and routine that works for your family.

Each month, you’ll also receive a special challenge designed to help you dive deeper into the subject area we’re focusing on. And, just like in the Primary program, you’ll work through a Learning Journal that helps you understand the content and track your progress.

Why It Works

The Lower Elementary coaching program is designed to provide you with a deep, interconnected understanding of the Montessori curriculum. Rather than treating subjects in isolation, this program emphasizes the relationships between different areas of knowledge, helping your child see the world as a cohesive whole. By the end of the 9 months, you’ll know how to create a robust Montessori homeschool environment that nurtures your child’s curiosity, independence, and love of learning.

The Magic of Joining Our Coaching Programs

When you step into our Primary or Lower Elementary coaching programs, you’re not just signing up for a course — you’re embracing a transformative experience that will bring the magic of Montessori into your home.

These programs are designed to be more than just educational; they’re about creating a dynamic learning environment where both you and your child can thrive. With the Unlimited membership plan, you’ll be able to join either or both coaching programs anytime and repeat them for a refresher.

Our coaching offers you the perfect blend of structure and flexibility, guiding you through the best materials and methods to suit your child’s unique needs. No more feeling overwhelmed by endless choices—with our clear guidance, you’ll confidently navigate the Montessori landscape, knowing that every decision you make is grounded in expert advice and thoughtful planning.

Imagine having a roadmap that takes the guesswork out of homeschooling, with pacing guides and work plans that help you create a balanced curriculum. You’ll cover all the critical lessons while leaving plenty of room for your child’s natural curiosity to lead the way. It’s like having a compass that always points toward a successful, joyful learning experience.

But the real magic happens in the connections you’ll make along the way. Our live coaching sessions aren’t just about learning — they’re about building a community.

This isn’t just a program; it’s a movement!

You’ll be in a network of compassionate, enthusiastic parents all working toward the same goal. 

By the end of the program, you’ll have gained both confidence and knowledge. You’ll be equipped with teaching techniques that will support your child’s growth and development for years to come, all within a playful and loving atmosphere.

You Have


Homeschooling with the Montessori method is a journey filled with potential for both you and your child. Whether you’re just starting with Montessori or looking to deepen your understanding, these coaching programs will be a source of delight and empowerment.

Join us as an Unlimited member and discover the joy that comes from understanding how to implement the full Montessori method. With a focus on fun and collaboration, we’re here to help you every step of the way.