The Magic of Discovery with Ariann

Meet Ariann, a Montessori mom of one, living in Manila, Philippines! She’s an alumni of Homeschool: Primary.

Would you introduce yourself, your family, and your lifestyle?

Hello! I’m Ariann. I’m a stay at home mom of an energetic and chatty 3-year old boy. My husband, Jed, is a Cinematographer / Director, and we’ve been together for 5 blissful years.

Pre-pandemic, my son would go to a play school while I did errands, finished projects or helped set up our small family business. Now, we just stay at home. We still love the rhythm though terribly missing the outdoors.

What is a typical day for you with your child?

Our days typically starts at 9 am for light breakfast. I tend to my balcony garden, then my son asks to play together. Sometimes, if he’s in the mood, he’d offer to help me water the plants, but most of the time, he’d bring some toys in the balcony and play while I garden. Other days, we do laundry together or I do laundry while he does water play.

I prepare lunch at 1pm, and he showers after to prepare for quiet time. We read one to two books and then nap. If he wakes earlier than usual, we go scooting or walking around the neighborhood. There’s a little playtime after dinner and wash up time (usually while I wash the dishes) and then some more reading time before bed.

What experiences do you love to share with your child?

Mostly outdoor time—gardening, beach and farm trips, parks, museum. There’s just so much to discover and I really love it when we discover things together.

What does your child like to do?

Playing with building toys (blocks, tiles); looking at photos of animals and watching videos of animals; drawing with crayons; hiding under the sheet and pillows; reading books; water play.

Tell us something your child did recently that you're proud of.

He’s been trying to read the title of books by sounding off each letter that he sees. I just heard him say “MMMMOOOOO” in the word “MONTESSORI” and then ask for the sound of N! I was very surprised because I haven’t really formally introduced all the phonemes to yet. I only point at the letters when we read and emphasize the sound of beginning letters.

Meet Mama Ariann Quote (1).png

What is your favorite Montessori material or activity?

Practical Life. I-Spy Game. Moveable Alphabet

What advice would you give to someone just starting out with Montessori?

Do not give up. Because there will be so many factors that will sway you to just “wing it”. Don’t.

If you could time travel and meet Maria Montessori herself, what would you say to her?

Grateful for you and your life.

What do you tell yourself when you feel like you're failing?

Tomorrow is another day.

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Aubrey Hargis

Parent coach, educational consultant

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